Yeovil Heartbeat
Yeovil Heartbeat

News & Events

If you are a member of the 200 Club and not getting email notifications of the results, please contact Phil Eveleigh at

Yeovil Heartbeat is immensely grateful to John Davis for his amazing fund raising efforts.

Since 2015 John, seen here presenting his latest cheque, has raised £13,500(!) from selling his homemade bird boxes, feeders and garden items. He funds all of his own materials and donates all of his takings to YHB to help to fund our gym equipment.


Thank you John – you are a Star!

If you have any ideas of how to raise fundsfor  Heartbeat please speak to a committee member or your gym instructor.


A huge Thank You to Crosscut Shredding who helped us with the safe disposal of some materials we had in storage.

Well Done Taryn !!!!!

"DONE ✔️ the reverse route from birdcage walk to Blackheath. Not my fastest but has to be the coldest AND sleep deprived starting at 2am!

Great group support and thanks to family always but to Paul Summerhill who stayed with me from mile 12. I have warmed through, eaten and recovering well.

Money raised for Yeovil Heartbeat with every step - Thank you for all donations - all manner of ways to support still open ...

Have great events out there those running and to the supporters out on the course and tracking from home too THANKYOU X"


Just a reminder that Taryn is running the Virtual London Marathon on Sunday. You can track her through the London Marathon App (her number is V3294) from 2.00am!

If you’d like to sponsor her in aid of Yeovil Heartbeat you can do it online here:

Go Taryn and best of luck!

Gym Payments (Wednesday 10th April 2024)

Our Sumup card payment machine is not working at the moment so if you are coming to the Gym over the next few days, please bring cash!

We hope to get it working in the next few days.

GYM Updates

Please Note:

  • 22nd March Phase 4 Classes at 08:00 and 09:00 are cancelled due to staffing
  • On Easter Bank Holidays 29th March and 1st April there will be no Phase 4 classes
  • As of 4th April there will no longer be a Phase 4 08:30 Thursday morning class

An update on Ashley and the Committee

For her retirement, the YHB Committee presented Ashley with this vase and flowers to say thank you for her support of the Charity over the years.


Also, we are pleased to announce that Ashley has taken on the position of Chairperson of Yeovil Heartbeat, Tony Love has taken on the position of Treasurer and Andy Woods has taken on the new position of Secretary to help with organising the Committee and herding the cats!


We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Alan Wickes and Terry Street who have stepped down after many years as Chairman and Treasurer respectively. Also, Anne Caines who has stepped down as a Trustee. They have all worked tirelessly and given a huge amount of support to us and their contributions have built the Charity into the success it is today.

Ashley has Retired!

Many of you will know Ashley, the Cardiology Nurse Consultant at Yeovil Hospital. She has helped and cared for many, many people over the years and she has just retired. Please join us in wishing her health, happiness and a well earnt rest!

Conquerors of Everest - Wednesday 25th October

Come along for a facinating evening!

Don't forget the Dog Show is ON this Sunday 8th October.

Come along (with or without a dog) and have some fun!

The Dog Show is back on! Sunday 8th October - come along!

Could you give £2 a month to Yeovil Heartbeat?

And possible win some money as well?

Join our 200 Club!

Go to our Fund Raising page for more information.

Unfortunately we have had to take the decision to postpone the Dog Show due to the weather forecast. Our apologies and we will let you know when we have it rescheduled.

Swan Theatre performance of Crown Matrimonial in aid of  Yeovil Heartbeat on Monday 10th July.

Book your tickets now!

Crown Matrimonial - Monday 10th July




The Swan Theatre have kindly offered their support for Yeovil Heartbeat on their Charity night performance of Crown Matrimonial on Monday 10th July.


The fascinating story of Edward VIII’s abdication. Set in Malborough House between 1936 and 1945, this powerful play focuses on the private family drama of Edward VIII and the Royal Family leading up to the abdication. An engrossing and moving study of both a major constitutional crisis and an overwhelming issue of private and public conflict.

A gripping and moving insight into comparatively recent history.” The Stage


Tickets available by phone or online. Bring your family and friends!

Congratulations Taryn!

Dog Show - Sunday 16th July 2023

Dinner Dance - Friday 11th November 2022

This will be held at the Tithe Barn, Haselbury Mill, 7pm for 7.30pm.

Tickets are £30 per person for a two course meal and dancing to 'Old Dogz New Trixs'.

Tickets will be available as soon as possible from the Cardiac Office at Yeovil District Hospital, Higher Kingston, Yeovil. BA21 4AT. Tel. 01935 384884.

Notice of ticket availability will be posted in the gym.


Heartbeat Band Concert - Sunday 18 December 2022

This will be held at Holy Trinity Church, Lysander Road, Yeovil.

The concert starts at 7pm.

Tickets are £10 per person. The price includes mulled wine and a mince pie during the interval.

It is just the band this year.

Notice of ticket availability will be posted in the gym.


Yeovil Rotary Club Christmas Draw

After a couple of years out because of Covid, Heartbeat will again be joining the Yeovil Rotary Club in their Christmas Draw this year.

The money for every ticket Heartbeat sells comes straight back to our charity, with a further uplift from the Rotary Club, so you are encouraged to buy as many tickets as possible!

Notice of ticket availability will be posted in the gym.


Gym Fees

After much discussion, the Trustees have reluctantly decided that it has become necessary to increase gym fees for sessions in the Cardiac Gym.

From 1st January 2023, the price per session will be £4.

For those who regularly attend two sessions per week, a payment of £30 per month will be introduced which will give a small discount.

These prices are considerably less then than those for local facilities.

Steph Talbot

Unfortunately, as many of you know, our dear Steph lost her bravely-fought battle against cancer in 2017.

As a lasting tribute to her, the unit has been renamed The Steph Talbot Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit.

Her husband, John, unveiled a plaque in the gym on Tuesday 29th May 2018 which was a touching evening and a fitting memorial to a wonderful woman and an inspirational nurse; we all miss her dreadfully but are determined her memory will live on through the hard work of the unit!

Forthcoming Events


To keep our valued supporters up to date with fundraising events for the charity throughout the year, we will be posting information both on the Yeovil Heartbeat website (, and on our notice boards. Our event notice boards are placed outside the gym at Yeovil Hospital, with another inside the gym on the mirror. There is also a board at the Crewkerne gym for our supporters who exercise there.


If you would like to be notified about future events taking place then please join our email list by emailing Phil Eveleigh (volunteer and mailing list co-ordinator) on



Donations for this year include generous cheques from the following:
Old Barn Recreational and Social Club             
Rosamund Pilcher Foundation                             
Somerset Vintage Tractor Group        
Higos Community Fund                       
Bournemouth Electric Club                           
Corinthian Pillar Masonic Lodge       
John Davies                                           
Stephanie Carter                                    


We have benefitted from the various generous organisations that continue to support the charity, as well as many individual donations including cheques in lieu of birthdays, anniversaries and donations in memorium of old friends. The monies help to maintain and replace the equipment in the gym and provide valuable information and resources for staff, patients and relatives.


We would like to thank everybody who has supported the unit this year with donations (both big and small), their time (especially our fabulous group of volunteers) and their expertise (the amazing YHB committee in particular).
The continued support from you all means that we are able to provide the excellent service that we are so well known for.
Team Update

Thanks to the support from Yeovil Heartbeat, our Cardiac Rehabilitation department remains the only service in Somerset to offer a full range of services and follow-up. We are extremely proud and fortunate to be able to rehabilitate any  patient, regardless of heart condition or physical ability.

Kelly gave birth to two beautiful girls on 20th August 2017 – a little earlier than expected but Amelie and Willow are both doing really well. Kelly will be joining us back in the department in the summer after her wedding on 26th May. We are looking forward to having her back.

Victoria Lavers has joined us from the Emergency Department to cover Kelly’s maternity leave. Many of you will of course know Victoria as she is Gill’s daughter. She also happens to be Matt’s fiancé, and does her best to keep him in line!

Sophia Habibi joined the Heart Failure team from CCU at the beginning of last summer. She has made a real impact on the team, and we send her the best of wishes for her wedding day in May.

In September Ashley was given the title of Nurse Consultant, and we are all extremely proud of her!

Margaret has joined us as Matt’s “right hand man” in the gym. She has many years of nursing experience under her tiny belt and is a trained smoking cessation advisor. She has proved to be an invaluable member of the team and we don’t know how we ever coped without her.

We said goodbye  to Rowan at the beginning of October as he moved away to be with his family in Manchester. Although we are missing him in the office, he is enjoying working  in Cardiac Rehab up North, and he keeps in touch.

It was a tough winter for Yeovil Hospital, but the department managed to maintain good spirits.

We were short staffed but this is about to change as Ula will be coming to join us in May. Ula is a nurse who has previously worked on CCU  and has a lot of cardiac experience. She is also a fluent Polish speaker, which will be a bonus to the team  with our ever increasing number of Polish patients. 

Matt continues to expand and improve the way that the gym is run. The first group to go through the Strength Training programme with Matt has gone really well, and another group will be starting shortly – keep your eyes peeled for posters around the department. His weekly weigh in programme has added a much needed weight management dimension available to those who want it. A few changes to the Phase IV instructors:   Phase IV Weds AM is now taken by Laura, Eddie late Phase IV on Thursday and Margaret has now taken on the Step Down Class on a Thursday morning.

Unfortunately,  as many of you know our dear Steph lost her bravely fought battle against cancer last year. As a lasting tribute to her, the unit has been re-named the Steph Talbot Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit. Her husband John unveiled a plaque in the gym on Tuesday 29th May which was a touching evening and a fitting memorial to a wonderful woman and an inspirational nurse – we all miss her dreadfully but are determined that her memory will live on through the hard work of the unit.


We would like to thank John, Bill, Paul, Nige, Dave, Graham, Colin, Chrissy, Basher & George for their consistent support each week – we could not do what we do without you! Unfortunately both Iris and Ian have had to withdraw their services, but we would like to thank them for their endless hard work.


Our website provides information for both patients and members of the public who wish to know more about the services that the Cardiac Rehab Unit proved.  Please feel free to log on and have a browse:


We have a range of Yeovil Heartbeat merchandise available. This is displayed in the cabinet situated in the waiting area outside the Cardiac Rehab office or in the gym at Yeovil Hospital. If you would like to purchase any of the products please knock on the door of the office or speak to a member of the team. All profits made from merchandise sales will go directly to Yeovil Heartbeat and supporting the service that we provide to our patients.

A Quick Note

We are changing the way that the yearly newsletter is distributed. Paper copies will be distributed from both the gym and the office at Yeovil Hospital for all patients and their relatives, and a copy will also be uploaded to the website.

If you would like a copy emailed to you, please notify Phil Eveleigh on the provided email address. If you would like a copy posted to your home, please send a self-addressed envelope to the Cardiac Rehabilitation Office at Yeovil District Hospital, and ensure that this is clearly marked ‘Newsletter’.

The committee is always on the lookout help with fundraising events, so if anybody feels that they can spare a little of their time please get in touch with Phil Eveleigh.

Contact details for any further information:

01935 384884

Ashley, Lucy, Victoria, Helen, Laura, Sophia, Matt, Brett, Sandra & Izzy

We are located at:

Yeovil District Hospital

Higher Kingston


BA21 4AT

Contact us today!

If you have any queries, please contact us on:

01935 384884 or 384925

Or email us at:


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© David Jolly